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Title: Text Messaging and the Dilemma of Digital Panic Creation in Africa: Nigeria in Focus
Authors: Okafor, Frank-Collins Nnamdi
Udalla, Ernest Arinze
Anekwe, Sebastine C.
Keywords: Text Message
Digital Panic
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: International Affairs and Global Strategy
Citation: International Affairs and Global Strategy, Vol.19
Abstract: Since the introduction of the mobile phone in Nigeria in 2003, a lot has been experienced in its usage; some positive and others, negative. Among the negative experiences is the use of its SMS to spread messages capable of creating unnecessary tension and panic among the populace. This situation has, in the past, generated lots of fear, troubles, hate, vengeance and violence in the country to the extent that, at times, not only that innocent lives were lost but even the corporate existence of the Nigeria state was touched. This paper therefore, examines the incidence of panic-creating SMS in Nigeria. It pinpoints as the case may be, specific instances just as it explores their implications in a volatile entity like Nigeria. With the strong theoretical formula provided by the Multi Agent Model for Panic Behaviour in Crowds, it argues that panic-creating SMS is a serious and dangerous pastime capable of tearing the nation apart. This is because it is so easy to engage in or generate, trouble-free to circulate widely just as it has overwhelming devastating impact: it touches the sensibilities of men. It concludes that SMS is really good but when abused, as is the case in Nigeria, it could be an inescapable time-bomb on which the corporate existence of the Nigerian nation relaxes on. It also proffers solution believing that it is the responsibility of all, including the relevant government agencies to fight this kind of abuse which must be done as a matter of urgency.
Description: Scholarly Work
ISSN: p- 2224-574X, e-2224-8951
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works

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