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Title: The functional category D in a language without determiners: The case of Igbo
Authors: Obiamalu, Greg
Keywords: Igbo
Functional category
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics
Citation: SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics vol. 10, no. 2 06-18
Abstract: Igbo has no definite and indefinite articles. Progovac (1995) is of the view that articles are the only true determiners. Igbo has some other nominal modifiers such as demonstrative, quantifier, numeral, adjective, pronominal modifier which in most cases occur as post modifiers. Adopting the DP-hypothesis which assumes that the argument phrase is headed by a functional category D which take Which takes an NP as its complement, we argue that, in igbo, the D head position remains null and bare nominal are allowed. The element that could occupy the D head position is a linker, nke which could be found in the genitive construction and in virtually all types of Igbo nominal constructions.
Description: Scholarly work
ISSN: 1339-782X
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works

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